Monday, January 16, 2006

Teaching Music Appreciation

I am now teaching instead of accompanying at the University of Alabama. The news was somewhat expected but I was relieved and overjoyed when it was confirmed. I have two sections of MUS 121 Introduction to Listening with around 130 students in each class. Many of my friends think I'll be less stressed about teaching, but my straightforward answer is no. This is a different kind of stress but it is positive.

I guess I again make the transition to be faculty-in-training from being an accompanist. I have to learn the registration system because of student requests and also I hope to learn to use the web/technology resources available to me. It is definitely going to be a learning experience in handling a lecture-style class and also with so many students.

I am glad I am a somewhat organized person and managed to get my syllabus to the copy center in time. My set of textbook and CDs did not get to me until the day before classes started. My pack rat nature landed me a previous edition of the textbook a few years ago so I am familiar with the material. I look forward to sharing music history, pieces and other tidbits to my students. I'm sure some of them are not as enthusiastic as I am about this course, but I guess they are the ones on the losing end.

Settling into a schedule will be great! I already have to cancel one class because my classroom (the recital hall) will be used for the AMEA conference. I will later have to cancel another class because I have to get to the UK. We will have to see how the first actual day of teaching goes tomorrow. :) I'm excited!

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