Thursday, April 7, 2005

Piano Library Database

A couple years ago, I started putting all my piano books and vocal books into a database. It's a time consuming effort but I think it's worth it. I finally had a total sum of the money I've spent on piano literature and what the current value of those books are. Phewy!! I will consider insuring my library.

However, I have not entered my piano pedagogy materials and musicology related books into my database. Perhaps I will do so soon. What I'd really like is an embossing seal for all my books. So if anyone decides to steal my books, they'd have to cut out quite a few pages.

If you walked into my apartment now, you'd see piles and stacks of books everywhere. I have effectively run out of bookshelves to store all my books. At least, my piano books are shelved alphabetically by composer so there is some sense of order, though it doesn't seem so at first glance. I think every musician has a stack of music somewhere that isn't organized :)

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