I have endured my studies at my university for the past four years. I believe I have learned the definition of the following words in the past two weeks.
Coup d'etat: the sudden, unconstitutional deposition of a legitimate government, by a small group (in my case, one person). The usurpers established his legitimacy if the government (my department chair) fails to thwart his attempt or the acquiescence of the populace (my graduate committee) and the non-participant military forces (the graduate students).
Mutiny: a conspiracy among members of a group of similarly-situated individuals (my friends and I) to openly oppose, change or overthrow an existing authority (the usurper above). The term is commonly used for a rebellion among members of the military against their superior officer(s).
Myopia: nearsightedness or shortsightedness, a refractive defect of the eye. Close objects are very clear, but distant objects appear blurred. Metaphorically, myopia refers to cognitive thinking and decision making that is narrow sighted or lacking in concern for wider interests or longer-term consequences. It is often used to describe a decision that may be beneficial in the present but detrimental in the future.
Tunnel Vision: the lack of peripheral vision. Vision in which the visual field is severely constricted, as from within a tunnel looking out.
Yes, I should have studied political science and optometry, but not music.
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