Friday, September 3, 2010

New academic year - Piano Area

Some updates from the piano studio at my college for this new academic year:
- I have a budget! It is small but it would cover the piano library and minor equipment purchases.
- Class Piano I is full and had a waiting list. This year I put all my handouts into a book so hopefully the students will not lose it. The best news is that I will be getting a new communication system (Yamaha LC3) in the piano lab soon.
- Applied Piano, I have 8 students with only 2 beginners in this. I do have one piano major and some advanced students. It is exciting to be teaching a Beethoven sonata and some Bach this semester. I found out that I didn't have any sonatina collections in my piano library. It's good to move beyond beginner literature for a change.
- We will be getting a digital stage piano as well. This will prevent any Clavinova pianos from traveling everywhere.
- My friend, Jeremy Owens, will be performing here and conducting a masterclass for my students in November.

On a personal note, I have been invited to perform for the Ark City Music Club Chopin program in Octoaber and will have to muster up the courage to play the Barcarolle one more time before it is put away for awhile. I will be judging the concerto competition for the Wichita area piano teachers in November too. I am still having plans to perform a recital next April. I also have several students in my personal studio and intend to keep only a handful of students.

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