Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Leaving for Beijing

I will leave for Beijing on Aug 22. Most of my things are packed and ready. Everything is as planned except ...

I'm still trying to iron out insurance legalities. It's no fun being an international student and I am now caught between the rules of two different university systems. It is frustrating and extremely time consuming. Makes it hard that I do not have a printer or scanner here. Makes international faxing a hassle and much more difficult.

I do not know whether blogspot is accessible from China or not. I have seen it among the list of banned websites, although blogger.com is available. This could mean I could blog but I may not be able to see my own blog when it is uploaded.
To follow up on my previous blog, The STAR had no guts to print the letter as it is right on the nose. I have found out more stories of ragging here since the posting.

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